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Lied • The water is wide Opmerking

eenstemmig · Engels · + strijkers · + akkoorden · + tegenstem · eenstemmig · 11-12 jaar
The water is wide, I cannot get o'er,
and neither have I wings to fly.
Build me a boat that can carry two
and both shall row, my love and I.
A ship there is and she sails the seas.
She's loaded deep, as deep can be;
but not as deep as the love I'm in
and I know not if I sink or swim.
I leaned my back up against a young oak,
thinking he was a trusty tree;
but first he bend and then he broke
and so did my false love to me.
Oh, love is handsome and love is fine
and love's a jewel while it's new,
but love grows old and waxes cold
and fades away like the morning dew.

Lied • Barbara Allen (1)

eenstemmig · Engels · + piano · + strijkers · eenstemmig · 11-12 jaar
In Scarlet town, where I was born, there was a fair maid dwelling.
Made ev'ry youth cry: "Well a-day", her name was Barbara Allen.
All in the merry month of May, when green buds they were swelling.
Young Jemmy Grove on his death bed lay, for love of Barbara Allen.
So slowly, slowly she came up and slowly she came nigh him.
And all she said when there she came: "Young man, I think you're dying."
When he was dead and laid in grave, her heart was struck with sorrow.
Oh, mother, mother, make my bed, for I shall die tomorrow!
"Farewell", she said, "ye maidens all, and shun the fault I fell in."
Henceforth take warning by the fall of cruel Barbara Allen.

Lied • Staat op, gij herders! Opmerking

eenstemmig · Kerstmis · Nederlands · + piano · + strijkers · eenstemmig · 7-8 jaar · 9-10 jaar
Staat op, gij herders, kom slaap nu niet meer!
De nacht is verdwenen, de zon schijnt alweer.
't Kindeke klein, dat eens onze herder en koning zal zijn!
Een blijde muziek klinkt de hemelen door
en 'Ere zij God!' zingt het engelenkoor.
Luister maar stil, zij zingen van vrede op aard' naar Gods wil!
Bij os en ezel, daar is dat ge vindt,
op stro in een kribbe, het heilige Kind.
Oud is de stal, maar stralend en blinkend als zuiver kristal.

Lied • De weerwolf (2)

eenstemmig · dier · Halloween · Carnaval - Vastenavond · Nederlands · + strijkers · + overige instrumenten · eenstemmig · 9-10 jaar
Lopen, lopen, lopen, de weerwolf komt je kopen!
De weerwolf komt je halen, dat zullen we hem betalen!
We pakken hem bij z’n zwarte kop, we pakken hem bij z’n poten op,
we sluiten hem in de toren op met zeven ijzeren sloten!

Lied • Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ!

eenstemmig · Kerstmis · Duits · + strijkers · eenstemmig · 9-10 jaar
Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ! Dass du Mensch geboren bist
von einer Jungfrau, das ist wahr; des freuet sich der Engel Schar.
Gelobet sei Gott!
Des ew'gen Vaters einzig Kind jetzt man in der Krippe findt.
In unser armes Fleisch und Blut verkleidet sich das ewig Gut.
Gelobet sei Gott!
Den aller Welt Kreis nie beschloß, der liegt in Marien Schoß;
Er ist ein Kindlein worden klein, der alle Ding' erhält allein.
Gelobet sei Gott!
Das ew'ge Licht geht da herein, gibt der Welt ein'n neuen Schein;
es leucht't wohl mitten in der Nacht und uns des Lichtes Kinder macht.
Gelobet sei Gott!
Der Sohn des Vaters, Gott von Art, ein Gast in der Welt hier ward
und führt uns aus dem Jammertal, er macht uns Erben in sein'm Saal.
Gelobet sei Gott!
Er ist auf Erden kommen arm, dass er unser sich erbarm',
und in dem Himmel machet reich und seinen lieben Engeln gleich.
Gelobet sei Gott!
Das hat er alles uns getan, sein' groß' Lieb' zu zeigen an.
Des freu' sich alle Christenheit und dank' ihm des in Ewigkeit.
Gelobet sei Gott!

Lied • Lobgesang der Maria

eenstemmig · Advent · Duits · + strijkers · eenstemmig · 9-10 jaar
Meine Seele erhebet, erhebet den Herrn
und mein Geist freuet sich, freuet sich Gottes,
freuet sich Gottes, meines Heilandes.

Lied • Oh, Susanna!

2 gelijke stemmen · kamplied · Engels · + strijkers · + akkoorden · meerstemmig (gelijke stemmen) · 11-12 jaar
I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee,
I'm goin' to Lou’siana, my true love for to see.
It rained all night the day I left, the weather it was dry;
the sun so hot I froze to death, Susanna, don't you cry!
Oh, Susanna, oh, don't you cry for me,
I'm goin' to Lou’siana with my banjo on my knee!
I had a dream the other night when ev'rything was still;
I thought I saw Susanna a-comin' down the hill;
the buckwheat cake was in her mouth, the tear was in her eye;
Says I: "I'm comin' from the south, Susanna, don't you cry!"
Oh, Susanna, oh, don't you cry for me,
I'm goin' to Lou’siana with my banjo on my knee!
I soon will be in New Orleans and then I'll look around
and when I find Susanna I'll fall upon the ground.
And if I do not find her, then I will surely die.
And when I'm dead and buried, Susanna, don't you cry!
Oh, Susanna, oh, don't you cry for me,
I'm goin' to Lou’siana with my banjo on my knee!

Lied • Tourdion (1)

SATB · kamplied · Duits · Frans · + strijkers · + akkoorden · meerstemmig (gemengde stemmen) · kerktoonladder · 13+ jaar
S: Quand je bois du vin Clairet, ami, tout tourne, tourne, tourne, tourne,
aussi désormais je bois Anjou ou Arbois. (hele zin 2x)
Chantons et buvons, à ce flacon faisons la guerre,
chantons et buvons, mes amis, buvons donc! (hele zin 2x)
A: Le bon vin nous a rendu gais, chantons, oublions nos peines, chantons!
En mangeant d’un gras jambon, à ce flacon faisons la guerre! 2x
T: Buvons bien, là buvons donc, trinquons, buvons, vidons nos verres! 2x
En mangeant d’un gras jambon, à ce flacon faisons la guerre! 2x
B: Buvons bien, buvons, mes amis, trinquons, buvons, gaiement chantons!
En mangeant d’un gras jambon, à ce flacon faisons la guerre! 2x

Lied • Michaelmas time (2) Opmerking

2 gelijke stemmen · Michaël · Engels · + strijkers · meerstemmig (gelijke stemmen) · 11-12 jaar · 13+ jaar
Michaelmas time, Michaelmas time,
time is turning under the plough.
Under the stars, under the signs
the ploughman toils with deepfurrowed brow.
He turns his thoughts against the cold,
buries his fears ‘neath the earth’s deep mould;
frost, like fire, burns white on the blade
of his iron share that red fire made.
Michaelmas time, Michaelmas time,
time is bending over the scales.
Over the bread, over the wine,
the ploughman bows his head at the rail.
He turns his thoughts towards the flame,
raises his eyes to the thanksgiven grain.
Stars, like spears, gleam over the tower,
of the House of God in Michael's hour.
Michaelmas time, Michaelmas time,
time is changing the guard of the world.
Deep in his heart, dauntless in mind,
the ploughman guards against time growing old.
He stands and studies the star-patterned sky,
fixes each spark in his wishing-well eyes.
Stars, like seeds, strewn over the land
and under the plough by Michael's hand.

Lied • Land of the silver birch (2) Opmerking

2 gelijke stemmen · Nederlands · Engels · + piano · + strijkers · + akkoorden · meerstemmig (gelijke stemmen) · 9-10 jaar · 11-12 jaar
Land of the silver birch, home of the beaver,
where still the mighty moose wanders at will.
Blue lake and rocky shore, I will return once more.
Boom diddy-ay-da, boom diddy-ay-da, boom diddy-ay-da, boom.
My heart grows sick for you, here in the lowlands.
I will return to you, hills of the north.
Blue lake and rocky shore, I will return once more.
Boom diddy-ay-da, boom diddy-ay-da, boom diddy-ay-da, boom.
Swift as the silver fish, canoe of birch bark,
thy mighty waterways carry me forth.
Blue lake and rocky shore, I will return once more.
Boom diddy-ay-da, boom diddy-ay-da, boom diddy-ay-da, boom.
There were the blue lake lies I’ll set my wigwam,
close to the water’s edge, silent and still.
Blue lake and rocky shore, I will return once more.
Boom diddy-ay-da, boom diddy-ay-da, boom diddy-ay-da, boom.

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