Liederen kleuters
Liederen klas 1
Liederen klas 2
Liederen klas 3
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Liederen klas 5
Liederen klas 6
Liederen klas 7
Liederen - jaarfeesten
Liederen - thema's
De 25 favorieten van ...
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Kinderen met zangproblemen
Lied • Der Frühling ist über dem Land
Lied • Die Geige beginnet
Die Geige beginnet, sie jubelt und singet;
die Geige beginnet, sie jubelt und klingt.
die Geige beginnet, sie jubelt und klingt.
Die Klarinet', die Klarinet' macht:
du-a, du-a, du-a, gar so nett;
die Klarinet', die Klarinet' macht:
du-a, du-a, du-a, nett.
du-a, du-a, du-a, gar so nett;
die Klarinet', die Klarinet' macht:
du-a, du-a, du-a, nett.
Die Pauke hat's leicht,
denn sie spielt nur zwei Töne:
fünf, eins und eins, fünf und
bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.
denn sie spielt nur zwei Töne:
fünf, eins und eins, fünf und
bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.
Die Trompete, sie schmettert:
die Trompete sie schmettert:
die Trompete sie schmettert:
Das Horn, das Horn das ruht sich aus;
das Horn, das Horn, das ruht sich aus.
das Horn, das Horn, das ruht sich aus.
Das Fagott, das macht dazu den Kontrapunkt:
das Fagott, das macht dazu den Kontrapunkt:
das Fagott, das macht dazu den Kontrapunkt:
Lied • Donker is de aarde (3)
Donker is de aarde,
de bomen zijn nu kaal.
Voor 't kwaad bewaar' ons,
de dapp're Michaël. 2x
de bomen zijn nu kaal.
Voor 't kwaad bewaar' ons,
de dapp're Michaël. 2x
Heilige Sint Maarten,
hij schonk ons offerkracht.
Advent is nu gekomen
en heel de wereld wacht. 2x
hij schonk ons offerkracht.
Advent is nu gekomen
en heel de wereld wacht. 2x
Nicolaas wil helpen
een beter mens te zijn.
Opdat het kerstlicht strale
in onze harten rein. 2x
een beter mens te zijn.
Opdat het kerstlicht strale
in onze harten rein. 2x
Lied • Kommet, ihr Hirten! (2)
Kommet, ihr Hirten, ihr Männer und Frau'n! 2x
Kommet, ihr Hirten, ihr Männer und Frau'n!
(Kommet) Kommet das liebliche Kindlein zu schau'n!
(Kommet) Christus der Herr ist heute geboren,
den Gott zum Heiland euch hat erkoren. Fürchtet euch nicht!
(Kommet) Kommet das liebliche Kindlein zu schau'n!
(Kommet) Christus der Herr ist heute geboren,
den Gott zum Heiland euch hat erkoren. Fürchtet euch nicht!
Lasset uns sehen in Bethlehems Stall, 2x
(was uns) was uns verheißen der himmlische Schall!
(Was wir) Was wir dort finden, lasset uns künden,
lasset uns preisen in frommen Weisen. Halleluja!
(was uns) was uns verheißen der himmlische Schall!
(Was wir) Was wir dort finden, lasset uns künden,
lasset uns preisen in frommen Weisen. Halleluja!
Wahrlich, die Engel verkündigen heut' 2x
(Bethl'hems) Bethlehems Hirtenvolk gar große Freud'.
(Nun soll) Nun soll es werden Friede auf Erden,
den Menschen allen ein Wohlgefallen. Ehre sei Gott!
(Bethl'hems) Bethlehems Hirtenvolk gar große Freud'.
(Nun soll) Nun soll es werden Friede auf Erden,
den Menschen allen ein Wohlgefallen. Ehre sei Gott!
Lied • Kristallen den fina (2)
Kristallen den fina som solen månd' skina,
som stjärnorna blänka i skyn.
Jag känner en flicka i dygden den fina,
en flicka i denna här byn, min vän.
som stjärnorna blänka i skyn.
Jag känner en flicka i dygden den fina,
en flicka i denna här byn, min vän.
Min vän och älskogsblomma!
Ack, om vi kunde tillsammans komma,
och jag vore vännen din och du allra kärestan min!
Du ädela ros och förgyllande skrin.
Ack, om vi kunde tillsammans komma,
och jag vore vännen din och du allra kärestan min!
Du ädela ros och förgyllande skrin.
Och om jag än före till värdenes ände
så ropar mitt hjärta till dig.
Och om jag än före till värdenes ände
så ropar mitt hjärta till dig, till dig.
så ropar mitt hjärta till dig.
Och om jag än före till värdenes ände
så ropar mitt hjärta till dig, till dig.
Min vän och älskogsblomma!
Ack, om vi kunde tillsammans komma,
och jag vore vännen din och du allra kärestan min!
Du ädela ros och förgyllande skrin.
Ack, om vi kunde tillsammans komma,
och jag vore vännen din och du allra kärestan min!
Du ädela ros och förgyllande skrin.
Lied • Nattjoik
Ha na na va na na, ha va no a na va na va no a na, ha na va na va na a
Ha jo ha jo ha jo va na, ha jo
Ha jo ha jo ha jo va na, ha jo
Lied • Noyana (3)
Lied • Orchestra song
The violins of all the strings,
we take the lead and have the most to do.
We gaily play the melody
and sing away the whole piece through.
we take the lead and have the most to do.
We gaily play the melody
and sing away the whole piece through.
The clarinets, the clarinets
of all the woodwind we most notes can get.
A single reed is all we need
to make our smooth and mellow sound.
of all the woodwind we most notes can get.
A single reed is all we need
to make our smooth and mellow sound.
The horns, the horns of curling brass
can murmur low or loudly blast.
can murmur low or loudly blast.
For the fanfare our trumpety sound is best,
our trumpety sound is best. 2x
For the fanfare our trumpety sound is best,
our trumpety sound is best, is best!
our trumpety sound is best. 2x
For the fanfare our trumpety sound is best,
our trumpety sound is best, is best!
The kettledrums echo the two notes we best know:
soh-doh, doh-soh, soh, soh, soh, soh-doh!
soh-doh, doh-soh, soh, soh, soh, soh-doh!
Lied • Suo gân (2)
Sleep, my baby, on my bosom, closely nestle safe and warm.
Mother, wakeful, watches o'er you, round you folded mother's arm.
Sweet, there's nothing near can hurt you, nothing threatens here your rest.
Sleep, my baby, sleep and fear not, sleep you sweetly on my breast.
Mother, wakeful, watches o'er you, round you folded mother's arm.
Sweet, there's nothing near can hurt you, nothing threatens here your rest.
Sleep, my baby, sleep and fear not, sleep you sweetly on my breast.
Lulla, lulla, sweetly slumber, mother's treasuring, slumber deep.
Lulla, lulla, now you're smiling, smiling, dear one, through your sleep.
Say, are angels bending o'er you, smiling down from heav'n above?
Is that heav'nly smile your answer, love from dreamland answ'ring love?
Lulla, lulla, now you're smiling, smiling, dear one, through your sleep.
Say, are angels bending o'er you, smiling down from heav'n above?
Is that heav'nly smile your answer, love from dreamland answ'ring love?
Hush, my treasure, 'tis a leafet beating, beating on the door.
Hush, my pretty, 'tis the ripple lapping, lapping on the shore.
Mother watches nought can harm you, angel warders gather nigh.
Blessed angels, bending o'er you, sing you lullaby.
Hush, my pretty, 'tis the ripple lapping, lapping on the shore.
Mother watches nought can harm you, angel warders gather nigh.
Blessed angels, bending o'er you, sing you lullaby.
Lied • Swing low, sweet chariot
Swing low, sweet chariot, comin' for to carry me home! 2x
I looked over Jordan and what did I see, comin' for to carry me home?
A band of angels comin' after me, comin' for to carry me home!
A band of angels comin' after me, comin' for to carry me home!
Swing low, sweet chariot, comin' for to carry me home! 2x
If you get there before I do, comin' for to carry me home!
Tell all my friends I'm comin' too, comin' for to carry me home!
Tell all my friends I'm comin' too, comin' for to carry me home!
Swing low, sweet chariot, comin' for to carry me home! 2x
The brightest day that ever I saw, comin' for to carry me home!
When Jesus washed my sins away, comin' for to carry me home!
When Jesus washed my sins away, comin' for to carry me home!
Swing low, sweet chariot, comin' for to carry me home! 2x
I'm sometimes up and sometimes down, comin' for to carry me home!
But still my soul feels heavenly bound, comin' for to carry me home!
But still my soul feels heavenly bound, comin' for to carry me home!
Swing low, sweet chariot, comin' for to carry me home! 2x
Lied • The drunken sailor (3)
What shall we do with the drunken sailor? 3x
early in the morning?
early in the morning?
Hurray, and up she rises, hurray, up she rises,
hyrray, and up she rises, early in the morning!
hyrray, and up she rises, early in the morning!
Put him in the longboat till he's sober, 3x
early in the morning!
early in the morning!
Hurray, and up she rises, hurray, up she rises,
hyrray, and up she rises, early in the morning!
hyrray, and up she rises, early in the morning!
Pull out the plug and wet him all over, 3x
early in the morning!
early in the morning!
Hurray, and up she rises, hurray, up she rises,
hyrray, and up she rises, early in the morning!
hyrray, and up she rises, early in the morning!
Put him in the scuppers with the deck pump on him, 3x
early in the morning!
early in the morning!
Hurray, and up she rises, hurray, up she rises,
hyrray, and up she rises, early in the morning!
hyrray, and up she rises, early in the morning!
Heave him by the leg in a running bowline, 3x
early in the morning!
early in the morning!
Hurray, and up she rises, hurray, up she rises,
hyrray, and up she rises, early in the morning!
hyrray, and up she rises, early in the morning!
Put him in the bilge and make him drink it, 3x
early in the morning!
early in the morning!
Hurray, and up she rises, hurray, up she rises,
hyrray, and up she rises, early in the morning!
hyrray, and up she rises, early in the morning!
Shave his belly with a rusty razor, 3x
early in the morning!
early in the morning!
Hurray, and up she rises, hurray, up she rises,
hyrray, and up she rises, early in the morning!
hyrray, and up she rises, early in the morning!
That's what we do with the drunken sailor, 3x
early in the morning!
early in the morning!
Hurray, and up she rises, hurray, up she rises,
hyrray, and up she rises, early in the morning!
hyrray, and up she rises, early in the morning!
Lied • The roots of my heart
The roots of my heart go deep underground
and entwine with the roots of your heart.
I will find you deep in my heart
and entwine with the roots of your heart.
I will find you deep in my heart
Lied • Wind in the trees - Quodlibet
Wind in the trees blows loud for summer’s last song,
threshing the boughs, pelting the leaves along.
threshing the boughs, pelting the leaves along.
Frost of the ground at misty dawning shines bright,
cracking the clod, lining the twigs with white.
cracking the clod, lining the twigs with white.
Myriad stars shine in the frosty clear skies,
outshining all, the meteor earthward flies.
outshining all, the meteor earthward flies.
With hearts aglow men mark the changing fresh world,
when from the stars Michael's spear is hurled.
when from the stars Michael's spear is hurled.