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zoemen bijtjes vrij en blij in een zoete melodij.
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Lied • Bijenlied (2)
Lied • The first Nowell (3)
The first Nowell the angel did say was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay.
In fields where they lay keeping their sheep, in a cold winter's night that was so deep.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
In fields where they lay keeping their sheep, in a cold winter's night that was so deep.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
They looked up and saw a star shining in the east, beyond them far.
And to the earth it gave great light and so it continued both day and night.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
And to the earth it gave great light and so it continued both day and night.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
And by the light of that same star three wise men came from the country far.
To seek for a King was their intent and to follow the star wherever it went.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
To seek for a King was their intent and to follow the star wherever it went.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
This star drew nigh to the North West; o'er Bethlehem it took it's rest.
And there it did both stop and stay, right over the place where Jesus lay.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
And there it did both stop and stay, right over the place where Jesus lay.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
Then did they know assuredly within that house, the King did lie.
One entered in then for to see and found the babe in poverty.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
One entered in then for to see and found the babe in poverty.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
Then entered in those wise men three, fell reverently upon their knee
and offered there, in his presence, their gold and myrrh and frankincense.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
and offered there, in his presence, their gold and myrrh and frankincense.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
Between an ox stall and an ass, this child truly there born he was.
For want of clothing they did him lay all in a manger, among the hay.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
For want of clothing they did him lay all in a manger, among the hay.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
Then let us all with one accord sing praises to our heavenly Lord,
that hath made heaven and earth of nought and with his blood mankind has bought.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
that hath made heaven and earth of nought and with his blood mankind has bought.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
If we in our time shall do well, we shall be free from death and hell.
For God hath prepared for us all a resting place in general.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
For God hath prepared for us all a resting place in general.
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, born is the King of Israel.
Lied • It came upon a midnight clear (2)
It came upon a midnight clear,
that glorious song of old,
from angels bending near the earth
to touch their harps of gold:
"Peace on the earth, goodwill to men
from heaven's all-gracious King."
The world in solemn stillness lay
to hear the angels sing.
that glorious song of old,
from angels bending near the earth
to touch their harps of gold:
"Peace on the earth, goodwill to men
from heaven's all-gracious King."
The world in solemn stillness lay
to hear the angels sing.
Still through the cloven skies they come,
with peaceful wings unfurled,
and still their heavenly music floats
o'er all the weary world;
above its sad and lowly plains
they bend on hovering wing,
and ever o'er its Babel sounds
the blessèd angels sing.
with peaceful wings unfurled,
and still their heavenly music floats
o'er all the weary world;
above its sad and lowly plains
they bend on hovering wing,
and ever o'er its Babel sounds
the blessèd angels sing.
Yet with the woes of sin and strife
the world has suffered long;
beneath the angel-strain have rolled
two thousand years of wrong;
and man, at war with man, hears not
the love-song which they bring;
oh, hush the noise, ye men of strife,
and hear the angels sing!
the world has suffered long;
beneath the angel-strain have rolled
two thousand years of wrong;
and man, at war with man, hears not
the love-song which they bring;
oh, hush the noise, ye men of strife,
and hear the angels sing!
And ye, beneath life's crushing load,
whose forms are bending low,
who toils along the climbing way
with painful steps and slow.
Look now, for glad and golden hours
come swiftly on the wing!
Oh, rest beside the weary road,
and hear the angels sing!
whose forms are bending low,
who toils along the climbing way
with painful steps and slow.
Look now, for glad and golden hours
come swiftly on the wing!
Oh, rest beside the weary road,
and hear the angels sing!
For lo, the days are hastening on,
by prophet-bards foretold.
When, with the ever-circling years
comes round the age of gold;
when peace shall over all the earth
its ancient splendors fling.
And the whole world give back the song
which now the angels sing.
by prophet-bards foretold.
When, with the ever-circling years
comes round the age of gold;
when peace shall over all the earth
its ancient splendors fling.
And the whole world give back the song
which now the angels sing.
Lied • Befiehl du deine Wege (2)
Befiehl du deine Wege und was dein' Herze kränkt,
der allertreusten Pflege des, der den Himmel lenkt.
Der Wolken, Luft und Winden gibt Wege, Lauf und Bahn,
der wird auch Wege finden, da dein' Fuß gehen kann.
der allertreusten Pflege des, der den Himmel lenkt.
Der Wolken, Luft und Winden gibt Wege, Lauf und Bahn,
der wird auch Wege finden, da dein' Fuß gehen kann.
Dem Herren musst du trauen, wenn dir's soll wohlergeh'n;
auf sein Werk musst du schauen, wenn dein Werk soll besteh'n.
Mit Sorgen und mit Grämen und mit selbsteigner Pein
lässt Gott sich gar nichts nehmen, es muss erbeten sein.
auf sein Werk musst du schauen, wenn dein Werk soll besteh'n.
Mit Sorgen und mit Grämen und mit selbsteigner Pein
lässt Gott sich gar nichts nehmen, es muss erbeten sein.
Dein' ew'ge Treu' und Gnade, o, Vater, weiß und sieht,
was gut sei oder schade dem sterblichen Geblüt;
und was du dann erlesen, das treibst du, starker Held,
und bringst zum Stand und Wesen, was deinem Rat gefällt.
was gut sei oder schade dem sterblichen Geblüt;
und was du dann erlesen, das treibst du, starker Held,
und bringst zum Stand und Wesen, was deinem Rat gefällt.
Weg hast du allerwegen, an Mitteln fehlt dir's nicht;
dein Tun ist lauter Segen, dein' Gang ist lauter Licht;
dein Werk kann niemand hindern, dein Arbeit darf nicht ruh'n,
wenn du, was deinen Kindern ersprießlich ist, willst tun.
dein Tun ist lauter Segen, dein' Gang ist lauter Licht;
dein Werk kann niemand hindern, dein Arbeit darf nicht ruh'n,
wenn du, was deinen Kindern ersprießlich ist, willst tun.
Lied • In the Quest of the holy Grail (2)
In the Quest of the holy Grail do we wander from land to land,
in our duty we shall not fail, if in God's light we stand.
But if falsehood and doubting in the heart hold sway,
then is banished from the soul the light of day.
in our duty we shall not fail, if in God's light we stand.
But if falsehood and doubting in the heart hold sway,
then is banished from the soul the light of day.
Lied • Tein minä pillin pajupuusta (2)
Tein minä pillin pajupuusta, toki vain pajupuusta.
Hei, soreasti, koreasti pillini soipi toki vain pajupuusta! 2x
Hei, soreasti, koreasti pillini soipi toki vain pajupuusta! 2x
Metsässä soitan illan suussa, toki vain illansuussa.
Hei, soreasti, koreasti pillini soipi toki vain illansuussa! 2x
Hei, soreasti, koreasti pillini soipi toki vain illansuussa! 2x
Karjankin kellot kilvan soittaa, toki vain kilvan soittaa.
Hei, soreasti, koreasti karjankin kellot toki vain kilvan soittaa! 2x
Hei, soreasti, koreasti karjankin kellot toki vain kilvan soittaa! 2x
Lainehet lammen loiskii, laulaa, toki vain loiskii, laulaa.
Hei, soreasti, koreasti lainehet lammen toki vain loiskii, laulaa! 2x
Hei, soreasti, koreasti lainehet lammen toki vain loiskii, laulaa! 2x
Lied • Bigi kaiman (2)
Lied • Uit Oostenlanden (2)
Uit Oostenlanden kwamen, met offeranden,
drie koningen gereisd naar Bethlehem,
wel vijfhonderd mijlen verre door 't verlichten van een sterre,
die zij verloren te Jerusalem;
drie koningen gereisd naar Bethlehem,
wel vijfhonderd mijlen verre door 't verlichten van een sterre,
die zij verloren te Jerusalem;
Met dapp're schreden zijn de wijzen getreden.
De sterre leidde hen weer tot in de stal.
Zie, daar hebben zij gevonden, in doeksken gewonden,
een Kindje, Koning, Heer en God van al;
De sterre leidde hen weer tot in de stal.
Zie, daar hebben zij gevonden, in doeksken gewonden,
een Kindje, Koning, Heer en God van al;
Als zij de zegen van 't Kind hadden gekregen,
zij namen verlof weer naar hun rijk te gaan.
Doch Herodes, de snod', zocht dit zoete Kind te doden,
dus wees de engel hen een ander' baan;
zij namen verlof weer naar hun rijk te gaan.
Doch Herodes, de snod', zocht dit zoete Kind te doden,
dus wees de engel hen een ander' baan;
Lied • Danket dem Herr, denn er ist freundlich
Danket dem Herren, denn er ist sehr freundlich;
denn seine Güt' und Wahrheit bleibet ewiglich.
denn seine Güt' und Wahrheit bleibet ewiglich.
Der als ein barmherziger, gütiger Gott,
uns dürftige Kreaturen gespeiset hat.
uns dürftige Kreaturen gespeiset hat.
Singet ihm aus Herzensgrund mit Innigkeit:
"Nun Lob und Dank sei dir, Vater in Ewigkeit."
"Nun Lob und Dank sei dir, Vater in Ewigkeit."
Der du uns als ein reicher, milder Vater,
speisest und kleidest deine elenden Kinder.
speisest und kleidest deine elenden Kinder.
Verleih', dass wir dich recht lernen erkennen.
Und nach dir, o, ewigem Schöpfer, uns sehnen.
Und nach dir, o, ewigem Schöpfer, uns sehnen.
Durch Jesum Christum, dein allerliebsten Sohn,
welcher unser Mittler ist nun vor deinem Thron.
welcher unser Mittler ist nun vor deinem Thron.
Lied • Ride the chariot
(I'm gonna) ride the chariot in the mornin', Lord. 2x
I'm getting ready for the judgment day, my Lord, my Lord.
(I'm gonna) ride the chariot in the mornin', Lord. 2x
I'm getting ready for the judgment day, my Lord, my Lord.
I'm getting ready for the judgment day, my Lord, my Lord.
(I'm gonna) ride the chariot in the mornin', Lord. 2x
I'm getting ready for the judgment day, my Lord, my Lord.
Are you ready, my brother? (Oh, yes!)
Are you ready for the journey? (Oh, yes!)
Do you wanna see your Jesus? (Oh, yes!)
I'm waitin' for the chariot 'cause I'm ready to go.
Are you ready for the journey? (Oh, yes!)
Do you wanna see your Jesus? (Oh, yes!)
I'm waitin' for the chariot 'cause I'm ready to go.
(I'm gonna) ride the chariot in the mornin', Lord. 2x
I'm getting ready for the judgment day, my Lord, my Lord.
I'm getting ready for the judgment day, my Lord, my Lord.
Are you ready, my sister? (Oh, yes!)
Are you ready for the journey? (Oh, yes!)
Do you wanna see your Jesus? (Oh, yes!)
I'm waitin' for the chariot 'cause I'm ready to go.
Are you ready for the journey? (Oh, yes!)
Do you wanna see your Jesus? (Oh, yes!)
I'm waitin' for the chariot 'cause I'm ready to go.
I never will forget that day, ride!
When all my sins were taken away, ride!
My feet were snatched from the miry clay, ride!
I'll serve my Lord till that judgment day, ride!
Ride, oh, Lord! Ride, oh, Lord!
Ride, ride, my Lord, my Lord.
(Ride, ride, ride the chariot to see my Lord. 2x)
(Ride the chariot in the mornin', Lord. 2x)
(I'm getting ready for the judgment day, my Lord, my Lord.)
When all my sins were taken away, ride!
My feet were snatched from the miry clay, ride!
I'll serve my Lord till that judgment day, ride!
Ride, oh, Lord! Ride, oh, Lord!
Ride, ride, my Lord, my Lord.
(Ride, ride, ride the chariot to see my Lord. 2x)
(Ride the chariot in the mornin', Lord. 2x)
(I'm getting ready for the judgment day, my Lord, my Lord.)
I'm gonna ride, I'm gonna ride, I'm gonna ride
in the chariot to see my Lord, my Lord.
(Ride the chariot in the mornin', Lord! 2x)
(I'm gonna ride the chariot to see my Lord, (to see) my Lord!)
in the chariot to see my Lord, my Lord.
(Ride the chariot in the mornin', Lord! 2x)
(I'm gonna ride the chariot to see my Lord, (to see) my Lord!)
Lied • Jacob's ladder (2)
We are climbing Jacob's ladder, we are climbing Jacob's ladder,
we are climbing Jacob's ladder, soldiers of the cross.
we are climbing Jacob's ladder, soldiers of the cross.
Ev'ry round goes higher, higher, ev'ry round goes higher, higher,
ev'ry round goes higher, higher, soldiers of the cross.
ev'ry round goes higher, higher, soldiers of the cross.
Sinner, do you love my Jesus, sinner, do you love my Jesus,
sinner, do you love my Jesus, soldiers of the cross?
sinner, do you love my Jesus, soldiers of the cross?
If you love him, why not serve him, if you love him, why not serve him,
if you love him, why not serve him, soldiers of the cross?
if you love him, why not serve him, soldiers of the cross?
We are climbing higher, higher, we are climbing higher, higher,
we are climbing higher, higher, soldiers of the cross.
we are climbing higher, higher, soldiers of the cross.
Lied • Malaika (2)
Malaika, nakupenda malaika. 2x
Ningekuoa mali we, ningekuoa dada.
Ningekuoa mali we, ningekuoa dada.
Nashindwa na mali sina we, ningekuoa malaika. 2x
Pesa zasumbua roho yangu. 2x
Nami nifanyeje, kijana mwenzio, mwenzio?
Nami nifanyeje, kijana mwenzio, mwenzio?
Nashindwa na mali sina we, ningekuoa malaika. 2x
Kidege, hukuwaza kidege. 2x
Ningekuoa mali we, ningekuoa dada.
Ningekuoa mali we, ningekuoa dada.
Nashindwa na mali sina we, ningekuoa malaika. 2x
Lied • Irische Segenswünsche (2)
Möge die Straße uns zusammenführen
und der Wind in deinem Rücken sein.
Sanft falle Regen auf deine Felder
und warm auf dein Gesicht der Sonnenschein.
und der Wind in deinem Rücken sein.
Sanft falle Regen auf deine Felder
und warm auf dein Gesicht der Sonnenschein.
Und bis wir uns wiedersehen,
halte Gott dich fest in seiner Hand.
halte Gott dich fest in seiner Hand.
Führe die Straße, die du gehst,
immer nur zu deinem Ziel bergab;
hab’ wenn es kühl wird, warme Gedanken
und den vollen Mond in dunk'ler Nacht.
immer nur zu deinem Ziel bergab;
hab’ wenn es kühl wird, warme Gedanken
und den vollen Mond in dunk'ler Nacht.
Und bis wir uns wiedersehen,
halte Gott dich fest in seiner Hand.
halte Gott dich fest in seiner Hand.
Bis wir uns mal wiedersehen, hoffe ich,
dass Gott dich nicht verlässt,
er halte dich in seinen Händen,
doch drücke seine Faust dich nie zu fest.
dass Gott dich nicht verlässt,
er halte dich in seinen Händen,
doch drücke seine Faust dich nie zu fest.
Und bis wir uns wiedersehen,
halte Gott dich fest in seiner Hand.
halte Gott dich fest in seiner Hand.
Lied • God rest you merry, gentlemen (2)
God rest you merry, gentlemen, let nothing you dismay,
for Jesus Christ, our Saviour, was born upon this day,
to save us all from satan’s pow'r, when we were gone astray.
for Jesus Christ, our Saviour, was born upon this day,
to save us all from satan’s pow'r, when we were gone astray.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.
From God our heavenly Father, a blessed angel came
and unto certain shepherds brought tidings of the same,
how that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by name.
and unto certain shepherds brought tidings of the same,
how that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by name.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.
The shepherds at those tidings rejoiced much in mind
and left their flocks a-feeding in tempest, storm and wind
and went to Bethlehem straightway, this blessed Babe to find.
and left their flocks a-feeding in tempest, storm and wind
and went to Bethlehem straightway, this blessed Babe to find.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.
But when to Bethlehem they came, whereat this Infant lay,
they found him in a manger, where oxen feed on hay.
His mother Mary kneeling unto the Lord did pray.
they found him in a manger, where oxen feed on hay.
His mother Mary kneeling unto the Lord did pray.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.
Now to the Lord sing praises, all you within this place
and with true love and brotherhood each other now embrace.
This holy tide of Christmas all other doth deface.
and with true love and brotherhood each other now embrace.
This holy tide of Christmas all other doth deface.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.
Lied • Zeeg'nen wilt ons binnengaan
Zeeg'nen wilt ons binnengaan, onze uitgang, Heer, daarneven;
zeeg'nen wilt ons gaan ende staan, 't daag'lijks brood en al het leven.
zegen ons met zalig sterven, laat uw hemel ons beërven!
zeeg'nen wilt ons gaan ende staan, 't daag'lijks brood en al het leven.
zegen ons met zalig sterven, laat uw hemel ons beërven!
Lied • Mnogaya lyeta (3)
Lied • Oudierse zegenwens
Moge voor je voeten de paden zich effenen, moge je de wind altijd mee hebben.
En tot wij elkaar weer zien, en tot wij elkaar weer zien;
moge God zijn beschermende hand boven je houden.
En tot wij elkaar weer zien, en tot wij elkaar weer zien;
moge God zijn beschermende hand boven je houden.
Moge warm de zon je gezicht beschijnen, de regen zacht op al je akkers vallen.
En tot wij elkaar weer zien, en tot wij elkaar weer zien;
moge God zijn beschermende hand boven je houden.
En tot wij elkaar weer zien, en tot wij elkaar weer zien;
moge God zijn beschermende hand boven je houden.
Lied • Tourdion (1)
S: Quand je bois du vin Clairet, ami, tout tourne, tourne, tourne, tourne,
aussi désormais je bois Anjou ou Arbois. (hele zin 2x)
Chantons et buvons, à ce flacon faisons la guerre,
chantons et buvons, mes amis, buvons donc! (hele zin 2x)
aussi désormais je bois Anjou ou Arbois. (hele zin 2x)
Chantons et buvons, à ce flacon faisons la guerre,
chantons et buvons, mes amis, buvons donc! (hele zin 2x)
A: Le bon vin nous a rendu gais, chantons, oublions nos peines, chantons!
En mangeant d’un gras jambon, à ce flacon faisons la guerre! 2x
En mangeant d’un gras jambon, à ce flacon faisons la guerre! 2x
T: Buvons bien, là buvons donc, trinquons, buvons, vidons nos verres! 2x
En mangeant d’un gras jambon, à ce flacon faisons la guerre! 2x
En mangeant d’un gras jambon, à ce flacon faisons la guerre! 2x
B: Buvons bien, buvons, mes amis, trinquons, buvons, gaiement chantons!
En mangeant d’un gras jambon, à ce flacon faisons la guerre! 2x
En mangeant d’un gras jambon, à ce flacon faisons la guerre! 2x
Lied • Bozhe
Bozhe, szhalsya nad lyud’mi ukazhy im put’,
ukazhy im put’ vo Khristye v vyerye pravoslavnoj!
Bozhe, vyechnyj, pravyj!
ukazhy im put’ vo Khristye v vyerye pravoslavnoj!
Bozhe, vyechnyj, pravyj!
Bozhe, szhalsya nad lyud’mi i nye dazhd’ im,
tvariti nasiliye, vo imya Khristòvo!
Bozhe ukazhy put’ nam!
tvariti nasiliye, vo imya Khristòvo!
Bozhe ukazhy put’ nam!
Lied • Sankt Raphael (2)
Tröst die Bedrängten und hilf den Kranken, Sankt Raphael!
Bresten und Schaden uns überladen.
O, hilf, o, hilf, Sankt Raphael!
Bresten und Schaden uns überladen.
O, hilf, o, hilf, Sankt Raphael!
Ach, tu das Beste, halt ab die Peste, Sankt Raphael!
Fieber und Plagen sich zu uns schlagen.
O, hilf, o, hilf, Sankt Raphael!
Fieber und Plagen sich zu uns schlagen.
O, hilf, o, hilf, Sankt Raphael!
Wann wir uns legen, tu unser pflegen, Sankt Raphael!
Unsere Schmerzen nehme zu Herzen.
O, hilf, o, hilf, Sankt Raphael!
Unsere Schmerzen nehme zu Herzen.
O, hilf, o, hilf, Sankt Raphael!
Hin zum Verderben, lass niemand sterben, Sankt Raphael!
Beichten und büßen alle wir müssen.
O, hilf, o, hilf, Sankt Raphael!
Beichten und büßen alle wir müssen.
O, hilf, o, hilf, Sankt Raphael!
Lied • On Christmas night (2)
On Christmas night all christians sing, to hear the news the angels bring. 2x
News of great joy, news of great mirth, news of our merciful King's birth.
News of great joy, news of great mirth, news of our merciful King's birth.
Then why should we on earth be sad, since our Redeemer made us glad. 2x
When from our sin He set us free, all for to gain our liberty.
When from our sin He set us free, all for to gain our liberty.
When sin departs before your grace, then life and health come in its place. 2x
Angels and men with joy may sing, all for to see the newborn King.
Angels and men with joy may sing, all for to see the newborn King.
All out of darkness we have light, which made the angels sing this night. 2x
"Glory to God and peace to men, now and forevermore, amen."
"Glory to God and peace to men, now and forevermore, amen."
Lied • Now, oh now (1)
Now, oh now, I needs must part, parting though I absent mourn. Absence can no joy impart; joy once fled cannot return. While I live, I needs must love, love lives not when hope is gone. Now at last despair doth prove, love divided loveth none.
Sad despair doth drive me hence; this despair unkindness sends. If that parting be offence, it is she which then offends.
Dear, when I from thee am gone, gone are all my joys at once. I lov'd thee and thee alone, in whose love I joyed once. And, although your sight I leave, sight wherein my joys do lie. Till that death do sense bereave, never shall affection die.
Sad despair doth drive me hence; this despair unkindness sends. If that parting be offence, it is she which then offends.
Dear, if I do not return, love and I shall die together. For my absence never mourn whom you might have joyed ever. Part we must, though now I die, die I do to part with you. Him despair doth cause to lie who both lived and dieth true.
Sad despair doth drive me hence; this despair unkindness sends. If that parting be offence, it is she which then offends.