Sponsors and donors

Vrijeschoolliederen.nl is made possible by the financial support from a variety of schools, organizations, businesses and private donations. Because this website does not generate any profits - there are no advertisements and access is free to everyone - its future is dependent upon the help of others. The following organizations provided funding for the creation of this platform:

  • Forschungsstelle der Bund der freien Waldorfschulen
  • Iona Stichting
  • Stichting Rudolf Steiner Pedagogiek
  • Stiftung Evidenz
  • Stiftung Edith Maryon
  • Triodos Foundation
  • Federatie Steinerscholen Belgium
  • Brigitta Rogman Fonds
  • Stichting ter bevordering van de Heilpedagogie
  • Antroposofische Vereniging in Belgium
  • Goetheanum
  • Internationaal Hulpfonds







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